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[Melissa Harrington Hughes]
Name:Melissa Harrington Hughes
Residence:San Francisco, CA, United States
Occupation: Director of Business Development, Slam Dunk Networks
Location: World Trade Center
Updated: September 9, 2003
Tributes and Information

I would check every day the names of people found and pray you were alive. The day I came across a confirmation you had died, I felt sad but relieved that you were found. Since then, I can still see the photo that your husband had put up of both of you on your wedding day. I will never forget what has happened and, for some reason, you will always be the face I see when I think of September 11.

Jennifer Quin

I never met you, but I saw your husband on television soon after 9-11. I have thought of both of you every day since then, and I will remember you every day until I breathe my last breath. I pray for comfort for your family and friends. Many mourn you who never knew you, and you will be in my heart always.

Cheryl Bonifant

You were a hero to your community and to our country. The Junior League of Springfield, Illinois, in the land of Lincoln, sends you our prayers.

Gail Kacich, Junior League colleague

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